Voyeur, a series.

I grew up in the middle of nowhere; to look into a neighbors window would require hopping a fence, walking fifty meters, and likely end up with your hide speckled in bird-shot. After spending fifteen years in NYC, I’ve become accustomed to looking into people’s windows. Everyone does it. You might wonder how they’ve decorated their place or if your place is nicer than theirs. What do they do for work? You may also imagine who lives in the apartment or what their lifestyle may be. We do all of this in a couple of seconds it takes to walk, ride, or drive by a window with the shades open.

In this project, I’m using a street-level window in my apartment. The object is to involve passersby; to capture the seconds in which people take notice of their surroundings, or to be blind to what may be less than a foot away from their field of vision.